May 11, 2016

Helen Keller: Champion for the blind and deaf

Helen Keller: Champion for the blind and deaf. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart”. – Helen Keller (1880-1968). Born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, at one and a half years old, Helen became extremely ill and lost both her vision and hearing. She struggled to fit into a world she could not connect to. At the age of six, her parents learned about the Perkins School for the Deaf, hiring Annie Sullivan to teach their daughter how […]
May 4, 2016

Gandhi The Revolutionary EverydayHero

Gandhi The Revolutionary EverydayHero (1869-1948) Gandhi, our Everyday Hero of the week, is a real inspiration to all. He left his mark as a Human Rights activist, due to his lifelong struggle for India’s Independence from British rule. When we think of Gandhi, we think of Freedom, Peace and Equality for all. During his 78 years of life, Gandhi achieved much. He excelled in school, moving to England to pursue his Law degree. Later he moved to South Africa and stayed for 21 years. There, he had his first experience […]
May 2, 2016

EverydayHero Papito Wilson Inspires and Innovates

EverydayHero Papito Wilson Inspires and Innovates EverydayHero Papito Wilson Inspires and Innovates people to step outside of their comfort zones, and find their inner EverydayHero. Papito has been an inspiration to almost every person he meets. He is a bright star amidst a sea of people, always making his community laugh and smile. It can be a dark, cold, grey day outside, but when you are in EverydayHero Papito’s presence, it feels so warm and welcoming, as if the sun has come out. What a gift he is because with […]
April 29, 2016

Everyday Heroes Inspiring Trailer for Television

Everyday Heroes Inspiring Trailer for Television Everyday Heroes Inspiring Trailer for Television is riveting!! The made for Television trailer gives you a taste of what some of our Everyday Heroes had to overcome. They had to find great inner courage in the face of gangs, domestic violence, bullying and suicide. The Everyday Heroes Inspiring Trailer features some of our most courageous Everyday Heroes. Some of our Everyday Heroes include Sonia, Modya, Jessica, and the Future Aces team. Think about what it means when you are faced with a terrifying situation […]