May 23, 2016

Heroes of the Past: John Snow (1800s)

Heroes of the Past: John Snow (1800s) John Snow was an English Doctor known for his role in developing anaesthesia and medical hygiene. He was the founding Father of epidemiology. Epidemiology is the study of disease outbreaks, with a focus on prevention. We present him here as an inspirational EVERYDAY HERO, because of the odds he overcame, bringing preventative healthcare to the general public. John Snow was born in York, England in 1813. They lived in one of the poorest neighbourhoods in the city. John was a highly intelligent child. His mother invested her […]
May 20, 2016

The Weekly Wall of Heroes

The Weekly Wall of Heroes Good Friday to you EVERYDAY HEROES! Our new series “The Weekly Wall of Heroes” starts TODAY. These stories  are of ordinary individuals, doing extraordinary things. Stories submitted will be featured here!  We hope you enjoy. Retired South African executive in Australia seeks to relocate and save Rhinos from Poachers. Ray Dearlove, a retired South African sales executive, is fundraising for the Australian Rhino Project. He wants to save the Rhinos from Poachers. He hopes that they will become a “seed bank” to breed future generations. He […]
May 18, 2016

The Heroes and Heroics of Fort McMurray

The Heroes and Heroics of Fort McMurray Part 1 As you all know, on May 1 2016, a wildfire swept through Wood Buffalo, Alberta. This Fire raged over thousands of acres of forest in days, and still there is no end in sight. The Fort McMurray fires terrorized, destroyed, and displaced 90,000 residents and workers. This wildfire evacuation is the largest in Canadian history, and the third largest environmental evacuation in the world. The fire hit record breaking temperatures of 32.8 Celsius. The People of Canada, and the World, came […]
May 16, 2016

Heroes of the Past: Harriet Tubman

Heroes of the Past: Harriet Tubman Good afternoon Everday Heroes, hope your Monday is going well. As I’m sure some of you have noticed, the last few posts we’ve made have been about individuals in the past. We are calling this new blog series “Heroes of the Past”, which will be made every Monday about ordinary people who did extraordinary things in times before ours, aka EVERYDAY HEROES of the Past. Meet- Harriet Tubman- Freedom fighter and a remarkable woman. Araminta (Harriet) “Minty” Ross, was born in 1820 in Dorchester […]