January 23, 2016

Child Heroes

A reoccurring theme here at EDH recently has been about the special heroism of babies and small children, along with their brave parents. The parent-child relationship involves both parents and their children to be brave at times, and activate the hero gene inside of them. From a little girl playing the harp as if she had been at it for over 20 years, to preemie mamas and their babies fighting to survive, heroes really do come in all shapes and sizes. So this week, we ask you all to look […]
January 19, 2016

Unconditional Love

We want to talk about something rather important today. Whether it be a mother and her preemie baby, or a heroic act, unconditional love and genuine concern are always involved. Team EDH considers love to be a vital component of heroism, because heroic acts can be done out of love many times. Parents who love their children are part time heroes too, and concern is always expressed when someone saves another’s life. This week, think about who and what you love, and why you love it. Think about how love […]
January 17, 2016

Sunnybrook’s Little Miracles Fighting to Live

  Our trailer previews a moment in the life of a mother to a premature baby in Sunnybrook’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Each day these babies face challenges just to breathe to stay alive. The mothers have to be strong despite these fears, and be thankful for their babies teeny tiny achievements. For most, pregnancies are joyful and relatively easy. For these mothers and their babies, it is a life and death experience.
January 15, 2016

Hero of the Year is You

Hey you! Yes you, whoever is reading this. Thank you. You have been our hero so far this year. Why you may ask? Well, for starters, you’re reading this post! Do you know how much that means to us?! People don’t usually realize the impact they have on other lives. We are here to tell you that what you do to your friends and family matters. Whether it’s a smile, a word of encouragement, or just helping someone in need – your actions matter. Think about that next time you […]