December 18, 2015

Everyday Heroes is Spreading

Everyday Heroes just keeps getting bigger and BIGGER each week!! To our surprise, we got our first like from Turkey, and India!! Our movement is spreading like wild fire! We are so pleased to recognize the 20+ countries that have supported us throughout our journey. Heroes are not a nationality, rather something people from all over the globe can be, to connect with each other. It does not matter if you’re European, Asian, or Australian (hint to Australia, start liking our page!), the hero gene is activated in all. Everyday […]
January 6, 2016

JOEL We Salute You

Jo’el Douglas has come a long way. He has been on a unique journey, and his inner hero shined through his adversity. Growing up as an at risk kid, Jo’el was heading down the wrong path. He was subjected to life’s complications and harsh realities at a very young age. But, he made it through. With the help of Herbert Carnegie’s Future Aces program, Jo’el found his inner hero and succeeded. Now, as a Future Aces conference emcee, Jo’el helps kids in similar positions he was in. He gives them […]