February 12, 2016

Julia The Brave Nurse Preemie Mama

  Julia knew what was happening to her. She knew the risks involved and the struggle to come, when she found out she was having baby Lucas prematurely. Julia is a nurse, and saves other people’s lives for her job on a daily basis. When faced with her own struggle and life or death situation, she was just as much an Everyday Hero as she is in her field. Preemie Mamas go through so much to give birth. They are Everyday Heroes and we can all learn a thing or […]
February 17, 2016

Powerful Carnegie Women

  Meet the strong women behind the scenes that supported Herb Carnegie to get his message out to the world. Three Carnegie women (Audrey, Bernice and Brooke) enabled him to always lead by example and show courage at every turn. He embodied “Believing in Yourself” which is the mantra we all need. It is these women that are carrying Herb Carnegie’s legacy forward through The Future Aces Foundation.
February 19, 2016

Amanda – Future Aces Key Holder

Amanda Fingerhut, the education coordinator, helps children reinvent themselves as leaders during a three day conference by instilling a positive mantra and confident attitude in each participant through a series of activities and guest speakers. Her value of education is shown to the kids at risk, encouraging them to take school seriously and try to focus on learning. The effect is remarkable on these children as the camera tells no lies, emphasizing the importance of a positive influence and a smile on children from some heroic people who are willing […]
February 20, 2016

EverydayHeroes Serving and Protecting

You don’t think much when you here a firetruck alarm. I’m sure it seems annoying when the ambulance keeps ringing miles after its past the car. But what we don’t realize in the moment, is these vehicles are saving lives. Even further, the people inside the cars – police, firemen, EMS workers – they help and heal everyday. We don’t appreciate the people that put their lives at risk to save us. The firemen and police officers that roam the city waiting to be that EverydayHero we need sometimes. Whether […]