January 9, 2016

Our Global Community is Our Hero

A couple of days ago, EDH received a wonderful message from a facebook friend named Dianna: “My Hero is me!! You can knock me down, but I get up, dust myself off and keep on going! Im the only one that tells me the whole truth and I can rely on myself to be there when need be! I am completely faithful and honest and I love myself for that!” That message, a simple hero story, really inspired us. While looking back at the message a few days after it […]
January 6, 2016

JOEL We Salute You

Jo’el Douglas has come a long way. He has been on a unique journey, and his inner hero shined through his adversity. Growing up as an at risk kid, Jo’el was heading down the wrong path. He was subjected to life’s complications and harsh realities at a very young age. But, he made it through. With the help of Herbert Carnegie’s Future Aces program, Jo’el found his inner hero and succeeded. Now, as a Future Aces conference emcee, Jo’el helps kids in similar positions he was in. He gives them […]