February 17, 2016

Powerful Carnegie Women

  Meet the strong women behind the scenes that supported Herb Carnegie to get his message out to the world. Three Carnegie women (Audrey, Bernice and Brooke) enabled him to always lead by example and show courage at every turn. He embodied “Believing in Yourself” which is the mantra we all need. It is these women that are carrying Herb Carnegie’s legacy forward through The Future Aces Foundation.
April 3, 2016

NEW EverydayHeroes TV Trailer

EverydayHeroes make the world a better place, through simple acts of kindness, caring and love. The EVERYDAY HERO’s journey is relevant and essential in today’s world. It provides a role model on how to live a fully realized life. By awakening “the Hero gene” within, our heroes courageously overcame their struggles. From Sonia’s terrifying experience with abuse, to Kethavan and Linda finding their inner voices, rising above suicide and death.. to Jo’el who looked a life of gang violence in the eye, and said NO!!! This quest for self discovery […]