EverydayHero Preemie Mama Miracle Babies Trailer


Everyday Hero Preemie Mama Miracle Babies Trailer

Our Everyday Hero Preemie Mama Miracle Babies Trailer displays courage. The trailer paints a picture worth 1000 words. It is an inspiration to all Preemie Mamas who fight for their babies’ lives. A baby new to this world is faced with a huge battle when the baby is premature. This battle is one that requires strength from the baby, the preemie mama, and their team of doctors and nurses. It is a life or death struggle for a tiny tiny being, something many people would have a hard time dealing with. Our Everyday Hero Preemie Mama Miracle Babies Trailer and Everyday Hero Preemie Mamas fought their battles and won. Sunnybrook’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has had many Preemie Mama and Baby cases. They have given life to many babies, and along with the Mamas, are Everyday Heroes.

The “Everyday Hero,” smiles at you on an off day. It is a doctor, or a nurse. It’s also your friend, parent, or mentor sacrificing for your happiness. The Everyday Hero is inside every single human being, and is expressed by simple, ordinary actions of kindness, courage, and love. The Everyday Hero gene is activated because a genuine act of love was done.

Our Everyday Hero Preemie Mama Miracle Babies Trailer previews just a moment in the life of a mother (Lise) to her premature baby (Abigail) in the NICU. Everyday these babies face challenges just to be able to breathe, to stay alive, something we take for granted. These mothers have to be strong despite their fears. For most pregnancy is joyful and relatively easy. For these mothers and their babies, it is a frightening life and death experience.EverydayHero Preemie Mama Miracle Babies Trailer is inspirational and shows courage of the preemie mamas and their preemie babies. They build a strong bond.

That is why the Everyday Hero Preemie Mama Miracle Babies Trailer is so important. It shows the true heroism and courage a baby needs to get through this tough time in their new lives. Preemie Mamas equally must face the situation and be Everyday Heroes to get through it with their tiny babies. This experience creates a strong bond and connection between the baby and their Everyday Hero Mamas and team. Most of these women and children come back to Sunnybrook to give back, after experiencing their life saving, and heartfelt support, that the Sunnybrook Community provides.

Please join us in this GLOBAL MOVEMENT, to ignite the EVERYDAY HERO gene that lives within EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE..to create a BETTER world, one at a time and together.

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Get inspired EVERYDAY!!! With much LOVE from Team EDH